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Oportunidade Pós-doc

Publicado: Quarta, 14 Junho 2023 11:27

Offer Description

The project “From the heart of wars to the aesthetics of plasticity: creation and engagement in artistic thinking in African contexts from the 1980s to the present day” (Link’ArtAfricas), carried out in São Paulo University - USP and Federal University of the ABC - UFABC, is looking for a postdoctoral researcher. The research is to be carried out in São Paulo and on the African continent and its proposition should focus on the curatorial process in the arts.

The researcher will be assigned at the Engineering, Modeling and Applied Social Sciences Center of the Federal University of ABC (CECS-UFABC), under the supervision of Prof. Paulo Sergio da Costa Neves.

It is a necessary requirement to have fluency in French, English and Portuguese, in addition to field research experience within the scope of a doctorate in African studies in arts, literature, communication, history/anthropology/sociology or philosophy of art.

Candidates must email Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo. and Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo., by July 03, 2023, attaching the following documents:

i. Proof of fluency in French, English and Portuguese (for applications from people not from Portuguese-speaking countries), through certificates, professional experience, proof of living in the space or academic statements.

ii. Proof of field research experience in Africa, through self-declaration and inclusion in the Lattes curriculum, preferably for more than one month.

iii. CV summary (FAPESP model);

iv. Curriculum lattes;

v. Letter of interest.

vi. Research project (no more than 7 pages, accompanied by a supplementary bibliography sheet), specifying the topics to be studied;

vii. Copy of approved doctoral degree (foreign certificates do not need to be translated).

The vacancy is open to any nationality. The selected candidate will receive a FAPESP Postdoctoral Scholarship in the amount of BRL 9,047.40 per month and a Technical Reserve equivalent to 10% of the annual value of the scholarship to cover unforeseen expenses directly related to the research activity.

Additional Information
Eligibility criteria
Eligible destination country/ies for fellows: Brazil
Eligibility of fellows: country/ies of residence: All
Eligibility of fellows: nationality/ies: All
Number of offers available: 1

Where to apply


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  • link da publicação do(s) edital(is);
  • link para a chamada no site da agência de fomento que está ofertando as bolsas (quando for o caso);
  • data limite para inscrições;
  • Título, coordenador e resumo do projeto ao qual as bolsas estão atreladas.
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